"لا أحتمل رؤية شيء نصف منجز. إذا كان الشيء خاطئًا ، فقم بإصلاحه إذا استطعت. ولكن درب نفسك على عدم القلق بشكل غير فعال."
— William Faulkner
Simplified Meaning:
Some people don't like leaving tasks unfinished. If you see something that isn't right, try to make it better if you are able to. It's important not to spend time stressing about things you can't change. For example, if you have homework and realize you made a mistake, fix it before you turn it in. On the other hand, if you are worried about the weather potentially ruining your outdoor plans, remember that worrying won't change the weather. Focus on what you can control and let go of what you can't. This way, you use your energy more effectively and feel less stressed.
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Attention to detail Completion Determination Effective habits Perfectionism Positive mindset Proactivity Problem-solving Resilience Self-improvementFEATURED QUOTES