"أعتقد أن الناس يحتاجون إلى التوعية بحقيقة أن الماريجوانا ليست دواء الماريجوانا هي عشب وزهرة"
— Willie Nelson
Simplified Meaning:
People often think of marijuana as a harmful drug, but this statement says that it's actually a plant, much like an herb or a flower. Imagine how we use herbs like rosemary or thyme in cooking—they're plants that grow in nature. Similarly, marijuana is a plant that grows in nature too. It has been used for various purposes, including medicine, for a long time. Just as we believe that some plants can help with health issues, like how ginger can settle a stomach, marijuana can also have benefits when used properly. Understanding this can change the way we think about and use marijuana, seeing it more as a natural remedy than a dangerous substance.