"ندرس التاريخ ليس لمعرفة المستقبل ولكن لتوسيع آفاقنا، لفهم أن وضعنا الحالي ليس طبيعيًا ولا أبديًا، وأن لدينا بالتالي العديد من الاحتمالات أكثر مما نتخيل."
— Yuval Noah Harari
Simplified Meaning:
When we study history, we're not trying to predict exactly what will happen next. Instead, learning about the past helps us see things from different perspectives and understand that the way things are now isn't the only way they can be. For example, thinking back to when many people believed that computers would never fit inside a home shows us that big changes are always possible. Knowing about historical events like the suffrage movement, where women fought for the right to vote and eventually succeeded, teaches us that things we take for granted today often required a lot of effort and change over time. This understanding helps us realize that current problems and situations are not set in stone and can be changed if we work towards it. This idea encourages us to think creatively and realize that there are a lot of different paths we can take in life. When we know that societies, governments, and technologies have all changed dramatically in the past, we can open our minds to the vast number of possibilities we have to shape our future. It helps us feel more empowered and less stuck in our current circumstances.