Giving Quotes
"I owe more to my family than I'll ever be able to give them"
"Among the things you can give and still keep are your word, a smile, and a grateful heart."
"There is a big difference between charity and change"
"I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship."
"Behold I do not give lectures or a little charity, When I give I give myself"
"Until we can receive with an open heart, we are never really giving with an open heart. When we attach judgment to receiving help, we knowingly or unknowingly attach judgment to giving help"
"There is nothing more important in life than giving. Tolerance is forged when people look beyond their own desires."
"Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents."
"The best presents don't come in boxes"
"It isn't the size of the gift that matters, but the size of the heart that gives it."
"The great secret of true success, of true happiness, is this: the man or woman who asks for no return"
"I'd rather give people what they need rather than just what they want"
"The more credit you give away, the more will come back."
"To be brave is to love someone unconditionally, without expecting anything in return."
"To give love is to know to lose."
"The greatest gift you can give somebody is your own personal development. I used to say, ‘If you will take care of me, I will take care of you.’ Now I say, ‘I will take care of me for you, if you will take care of you for me’"
"They alone live, who live for others"
"Develop an attitude of gratitude and give "
"A day wasted on others is not wasted on yours"