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Growth Quotes
"Expect that every winner starts as a loser."
Jim Cramer
"There is always opportunity in adversity."
Jim Cramer
"Never let a good crisis go to waste."
Jim Cramer
"When you don't talk down to your audience, then they can grow with you"
"Life is a journey. When we stop, things don't go right."
Pope Francis
"We must not reduce the bosom of the universal church to a nest protecting our mediocrity."
Pope Francis
"More than by fear of going astray, my hope is that they be moved by the fear of remaining shut up within structures that give them a false sense of security."
Pope Francis
"The sun will shine on those who stand before it shines on those who kneel under them"
Chinua Achebe
"Now I think it’s one of the most useless questions an adult can ask a child - What do you want to be when you grow up? As if growing up is finite. As if at some point you become something and that’s the end."
Michelle Obama
"If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain."
Dolly Parton
"The best lessons come from the most unexpected places."
Jay Shetty
"Be open to finding beauty in the unexpected."
Jay Shetty
"Let’s say 'Yes' to life and 'No' to death."
Pope Francis
"Man needs difficulties they are necessary for health"
Carl Jung
"There is no coming to consciousness without pain"
Carl Jung
"Opportunities are endless if you stop seeing them as problems"
"The apple tree never asks the beech how he shall grow nor the lion the horse how he shall take his prey"
William Blake
"To create a little flower is the labour of ages"
William Blake
"You know, you do have to put up with a little rain to get the beautiful rainbow"
Dolly Parton
"All life is an experiment The more experiments you make the better "
Ralph Waldo Emerson