Growth Quotes
"The pursuit of knowledge is never-ending. The day you stop seeking knowledge is the day you stop growing."
"There is no shame in failing; take pride in that you have the guts to try something new"
"There are no gains without pains."
"The most dangerous moment for a startup is when you become successful, because then you stop doing the things that made you successful in the first place"
"Success is like a bright light. It’s great for growing a company, but too much of it can blind you to the real challenges ahead"
"Our economy is growing and the outlook is strong, which are very positive signs."
"The more you practice the art of this magical discipline, the stronger you become."
"Every man should be capable of all ideas, and I believe that in the future he will be"
"You don't learn to hold your own in the world by standing on guard, but by attacking, and getting well hammered yourself."
"Keep going. Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life."
"Attitude is the little thing that makes a big difference"
"We are all faced with a series of great opportunities"
"This world is the great gymnasium where we come to make ourselves strong"
"You have to be willing to spend time making things for no known reason"
"If you don't make mistakes, you're not trying"
"Creativity is always preceded by destruction"
"Only through freedom and environment"
"There are always door openings. And gradually, it accumulates. The opportunities open up in front of you."
"A ship in port is safe, but that's not what ships are built for"
"One finds limits by pushing them"