Human Condition Quotes
"The man who writes about himself and his own time is the only man who writes about all people and all time."
"The heart was made to be broken."
"Man is an over-complicated organism. If he is doomed to extinction he will die out for want of simplicity."
"I am nothing. I will never be anything. I cannot wish to be anything. Aside from that, I have within me all the dreams of the world."
"The human condition is such that pain and effort are not just symptoms which can be removed without changing life itself."
"The life we have is the only life there is, and if we survive another five hundred years it will still be the only life there is"
"It is not death that alarms me, but dying."
"We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe"
"If you’ve never eaten while crying you don t know what life tastes like "
"Even without wars, life is dangerous and broken enough. Even in the ordinary, an ordinary life is filled with ordinary wars."
"The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives."
"Some are born to sweet delight, some are born to endless night "
"Nature shows that with the growth of intelligence comes increased capacity for pain."
"For every moment of triumph, for every instance of beauty, many souls must be trampled"
"Music is always a commentary on society"
"In life, there is so much sadness as well as joy"
"We are all obliged, sooner or later, to join the great majority."
"Everything is inertia to sadness, not to happiness. "
"Sickness is felt, but health not at all."
"We are all special cases"