Individuality Quotes
"My identity might begin with the fact of my race, but it didn't, it couldn't end there. At least that's what I would choose to believe."
"You can change the world by being yourself."
"In the game of thrones, even the humblest pieces can have wills of their own"
"Just do what works for you, because there will always be someone who thinks differently."
"I'm not afraid to look like an idiot."
"No man ever said to be original. All we can say is to be true to ourselves."
"There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal."
"Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts"
"I stand up for what I believe in, and a lot of the time that can be against people's opinions."
"When you try to live to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one, including yourself"
"You can’t suppress the things that make us human—it’s always there."
"You can’t be worried about what other people think, because you end up not doing anything."
"Our founders did not try to create a nation where every citizen would be the same"
"The minute you start caring about what other people think, is the minute you stop being yourself "
"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer"
"If being sane is thinking there's something wrong with being different, I'd rather be completely screwy."
"I feel like everyone just gets constricted by their parents or just life"
"There's a lot of us out here that are birds, man. We all need to just fly"
"It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be"
"I don't like to share my personal life... it wouldn't be personal if I shared it."