Life Lessons Quotes
"Trust me, setting things up right from the beginning will avoid a ton of tears and heartache."
"I’m reflective only in the sense that I learn to move forward. I reflect with a purpose."
"Sports is such a great teacher. I think of everything they’ve taught me—camaraderie, humility, how to resolve differences."
"There’s nothing truly to be afraid of, when you think about it, because I’ve failed before, and I woke up the next morning, and I’m okay."
"Friends can come and go, but banners hang forever."
"The odd thing is that I wound up learning more about the world around me by having a singular focus inside of me."
"As a kid growing up, I never skipped steps. I always worked on fundamentals because I know athleticism is fleeting."
"You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over."
"The balloons only have one life and the only way of finding out whether they work is to attempt to fly around the world."
"My mother was determined to make us independent. When I was four years old, she stopped the car a few miles from our house and made me find my own way home across the fields. I got hopelessly lost."
"It takes a long time to become young."
"The hidden harmony is better than the obvious."
"To make oneself hated is more difficult than to make oneself loved."
"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth."
"Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines, but it is to the one who endures that the final victory comes."
"What you are is what you have been. What you’ll be is what you do now."
"The greatest gift is to give people your enlightenment, to share it. It has to be the greatest."
"Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared."
"Even death is not to be feared by one who has lived wisely."
"A man is not called wise because he talks and talks again. But if he is peaceful, loving, and fearless, then he is in truth called wise."