Motivation Quotes
"The future belongs to those who give the next generation reason for hope"
"Always look on the bright side of life"
"You have to keep on the very edge of something, all the time, or the art goes out of it"
"Just do it. Make your dreams come true."
"Your victory is right around the corner. Never give up"
"You have to be a beast. That's the only way they'll respect you"
"If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it."
"I couldn't wait for success, so I went ahead without it."
"Find something you're passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it"
"The race is not always to the swift nor the battle to the strong, but that's how the smart money bets."
"You can become a winner only if you are willing to walk over the edge"
"You must knock on doors until your knuckles bleed. Doors will slam in your face. You must pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and knock again. It’s the only way to achieve your goals in life"
"Change doesn't happen overnight. It starts with a passion to make a difference and then having the patience to see it through"
"You have to work at creating your own culture"
"The best way to help people change is to help them understand who they are, how they work, and why their work matters"
"If you go to your grave without painting your master piece, it will not get painted. No one else can paint it"
"Failure is always an option"
"The brick walls are there for a reason. They are not there to keep us out. They are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something."
"Success is almost totally dependent upon drive and persistence. The extra energy required to make another effort or try another approach is the secret of winning."
"The results you achieve will be in direct proportion to the effort you apply."