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Passion Quotes

"There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living."
Nelson Mandela
"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."
"Love never keeps a man from pursuing his destiny."
Paulo Coelho
"I put my heart & soul into my work, & have lost my mind in the process."
Vincent Van Gogh
"I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart."
Vincent Van Gogh
"I would rather die of passion than of boredom."
Vincent Van Gogh
"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do"
"When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor."
Elon Musk
"Doing what you love is freedom. Loving what you do is happiness"
Lana Del Rey
"You can overcome anything, if and only if you love something enough"
Lionel Messi
"The secret of life is to love what you do"
"Before you can inspire with emotion, you must be swamped with it yourself. Before you can move their tears, your own must flow. To convince them, you must yourself, believe."
Winston Churchill
"Work without love is slavery."
Mother Teresa
"When you are laboring for others let it be with the same zeal as if it were for yourself."
"Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames."
"Wherever you are, and whatever you do, be in love."
"Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray."
"Dance until you shatter yourself."
"Respond to every call that excites your spirit."
"Half-heartedness doesn’t reach into majesty."
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