Passion Quotes
"Music is the voice of my soul, and every song tells my story."
"Success is not about fame, but about passion and dedication."
"In every lyric, I leave a piece of my heart."
"I aim to bring joy to fans while staying disciplined and focused on my goals."
"Work is about bringing joy and passion into everything you do."
"If I wasn't paid to be a professional footballer, I would willingly play for nothing."
"I don't do music for the recognition. I do it because I love it."
"I treated it like every day was my last day with a basketball."
"Be sure that someday, pretty soon, you'll say goodbye to the one you call lover. Меняться означает меняться / It is the soul's duty to be loyal to its own desires. It must abandon itself to its master passion / It will all be over before you know it. Don't take life too seriously"
"The heart is a thousand stringed instrument that can only be tuned with love"
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious"
"I will always believe you shouldn't be proud of wealth; Do the best you can, find your passion and your community will help to support you in going after that you want and living your true self"
"Man is sometimes extraordinarily, passionately, in love with suffering, and that is a fact."
"Great loves too must be endured."
"We are never in lack of money. We lack people with dreams, who can die for those dreams."
"All my life, I've always been a footballer first. Everything I've done is to be able to become a professional soccer player"
"Money is not a motivating factor. My motivation comes from playing the game I love"
"It is important to follow your dreams and heart. Do something that excites you."
"We're going to make it happen. As God is my bloody witness, I'm hell-bent on making it work."
"I'll take someone with a passion for anything over someone with talent for everything any day"