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Personal Development Quotes

"It is good to love many things, for therein lies strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done with love is well done."
Vincent Van Gogh
"Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together."
Vincent Van Gogh
"What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?"
Vincent Van Gogh
"There are four questions of value in life… What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same. Only love."
Johnny Depp
"The first step is you have to say that you can."
Will Smith
"Greatness is not this wonderful, esoteric, elusive, god-like feature that only the special among us will ever taste, it’s something that truly exists in all of us."
Will Smith
"We are comfortable planting seeds and waiting for them to grow into trees."
Jeff Bezos
"If you double the number of experiments you do per year, you're going to double your inventiveness."
Jeff Bezos
"If you decide that you’re going to do only the things you know are going to work, you’re going to leave a lot of opportunity on the table."
Jeff Bezos
"Staying in Day 1 requires you to experiment patiently, accept failures, plant seeds, protect saplings, and double down when you see customer delight."
Jeff Bezos
"We all know that if you swing for the fences, you’re going to strike out a lot, but you’re also going to hit some home runs."
Jeff Bezos
"Where you are going to spend your time and your energy is one of the most important decisions you get to make in life."
Jeff Bezos
"People who are right a lot listen a lot, and they change their mind a lot. People who are right a lot change their mind without a lot of new data. They wake up and reanalyze things and change their mind. If you don’t change your mind frequently, you’re goi"
Jeff Bezos
"You have to pay a price for your distinctiveness, and it’s worth it. The fairy tale version of ‘be yourself’ is that all the pain stops as soon as you allow your distinctiveness to shine. That version is misleading. Being yourself is worth it, but don’t ex"
Jeff Bezos
"Everything you do and every decision you make should be from a place of good. You should always be striving to make the world a better place."
Les Brown
"Act the way you want to be and soon you'll be the way you act."
Les Brown
"Success is both very personal and relative, depending on where you would like to be in your own life."
Les Brown
"You can complain about the direction of your life all you want, but until you sit in the driver’s seat and begin to drive yourself, you aren't going to get where you want to go!"
Les Brown
"One of the most essential things you need to do for yourself is to choose a goal that is important to you."
Les Brown
"You must take action now that will move you towards your goals. Develop a sense of urgency in your life."
Les Brown