Personal Growth Quotes
"I believe in the value of hard work and setting your own course"
"When you have children, you realize you need to make decisions for the betterment of your family, not just yourself"
"Always follow your own path and trust your instincts"
"A child who has become master of his acts through long and repeated exercises, and who has been encouraged by the pleasant and interesting activities in which he has been engaged, always shows a strong specific character: he is master of himself and knows how to conduct himself in society."
"I am a better person when I have less on my plate"
"A day wasted on others is not wasted on one's self"
"If I'm sincere today, what does it matter if I regret it tomorrow"
"Never ask for anything. Never for anything, and especially from those who are stronger than you. They will make the offer themselves and give everything themselves."
"Our lives teach us who we are"
"I've been gradually reclaiming all kinds of freedoms over these years"
"Most of what matters in our lives takes place in our absence"
"To be liberated, women must feel free to be themselves, not in rivalry to men but in the context of their own capacity and their personality"
"Our business in life is not to succeed, but to continue to fail in good spirits"
"Arriving at one goal is the starting point to another"
"The good man is the man who, no matter how morally unworthy he has been, is moving to become better"
"You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside"
"Circumstances do not make a man, they reveal him"
"To me, there are three things we all should do every day. We should do this every day of our lives. Number one is laugh. Number two is think. And number three is you should have your emotions moved to tears."
"Don't ever think I fell for you or fell over you. I didn't fall in love, I rose in it"
"There's no lack of opportunity to take a guilt trip, we all do it some time or other"