Personal Growth Quotes
"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."
"If the game shakes me or breaks me, I hope it makes me a better man"
"Your rewards in life will be determined by the extent of your contribution"
"Courage changes things for the better"
"The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday"
"The hardest struggle of all is to be something different from what the average man is."
"People who cannot trust are themselves not trustworthy"
"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom"
"Sometimes you have to lose your mind to find your soul"
"You cannot figure out what happiness is, without taking some time to figure out what happiness is not"
"It is far easier to achieve your material desires than to renounce them"
"To feel absolutely right is the beginning"
"To have faith is to trust yourself to the wa"
"The art of living… is neither careless drift"
"It's not a question of being ready or not, it's a question of being willing."
"Let go of who you think you're supposed to be and embrace who you are."
"To live with courage, purpose, and connection, we must first engage with our vulnerability."
"To be a leader means to be willing to be vulnerable."
"Vulnerability is the birthplace of joy, belonging, creativity, authenticity, and love."
"Radical self-compassion is what brings us into the light. There’s no space for comparison here."