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Personal Growth Quotes

"A man who has no imagination has no wings."
Muhammad Ali
"If I am a cup maker, I’m interested in making the best cup I possibly can. My effort goes into that cup, not what people think about it."
Denzel Washington
"I never really had the classic struggle. I had faith."
Denzel Washington
"Don’t be afraid to fail big, to dream big."
Denzel Washington
"Talent comes from God. If you have been given some, then value it, cultivate it, work and develop it."
Denzel Washington
"I’m not interested in being a celebrity- I’m interested in being a better actor and a better director."
Denzel Washington
"One of the most important things you can accomplish is just being yourself."
Dwayne Johnson
"The wall! Your success is on the other side. Can’t jump over it or go around it. You know what to do."
Dwayne Johnson
"The one thing I couldn’t identify with was the blue cowboy outfit he put on. I was a bit challenged when I was younger to stay on the right path."
Dwayne Johnson
"You don’t sign up for a divorce when you get married. It’s very painful. But it’s taught me a great deal about myself."
Dwayne Johnson
"I’ll never, ever be full. I’ll always be hungry. Obviously, I’m not talking about food. Growing up I had nothing for such a long time. Someone told me a long time ago and I’ve never forgotten it, ‘Once you’ve ever been hungry, really, really hungry, then y"
Dwayne Johnson
"Blood, sweat, and respect. First two you give. Last one you earn."
Dwayne Johnson
"By 24yrs old, I failed at achieving the biggest dream of my life. My ass was kicked and I was down but not out. I refused to give up, got back up and pushed on."
Dwayne Johnson
"I have a little belief that success is never unrelenting. And if success is what we chase – then neither are we."
Dwayne Johnson
"Two hand philosophy. If I can’t earn it, then I don’t want it. My hands might be calloused up and scarred up with a knuckle or two missing (poor punching form;) but they’re mine and serve as my daily anchors for puttin’ in the work."
Dwayne Johnson
"You have to believe in yourself."
Sun Tzu
"Great results can be achieved with small forces."
Sun Tzu
"Opportunities multiply as they are seized."
Sun Tzu
"Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise."
Sigmund Freud
"Experience teaches us that the world is not a nursery."
Sigmund Freud
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