Philosophy Quotes
"Let’s say 'Yes' to life and 'No' to death."
"The best proof of extraterrestrial intelligence is that they haven't contacted us"
"Theology is simply ignorance with wings."
"It is merely an accident of history that it is considered normal in our society to believe that the creator of the universe can hear your thoughts, while it is demonstrative of mental illness to believe that he is communicating with you by having a dinner conversation with you."
"The truth is, religion as we speak of it is made coherent only by the dumb ceaseless charade of contending faiths."
"The problem with religion, well among other problems, is that it's the only way where you can get people – good people – to do immoral things."
"Atheism is not a philosophy; it is not even a view of the world; it is simply an admission of the obvious."
"Religion is a defense against the experience of God"
"There are no atheists in the foxholes"
"Every man has his own destiny; the only imperative is to follow it, to accept it, no matter where it leads him"
"I have no money, no resources, no hopes. I am the happiest man alive"
"The wiser the man, the more doubts he has."
"The belief in a single truth is the root cause for all evil in the world."
"Love is wiser than wisdom."
"There is a wisdom of the head, and a wisdom of the heart "
"Life is a puzzle, its pieces are scattered fragments. It is the process that renders the beauty."
"A journey never ends. Only travelers end."
"To love is to think."
"We cannot mistake absolutism for principle."
"All human actions are equivalent and all are on principle doomed to failure."