Purpose Quotes
"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile"
"I seldom end up where I wanted to go, but almost always end up where I need to be."
"There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be."
"A good life is one that is characterized by complete absorption in what one does "
"The quality of life does not depend on happiness alone but also on what one does to be happy"
"The miracle is not that we do this work, but that we are happy to do it."
"There are no great things, only small things with great love. Happy are those."
"For what is the worth of human life, unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?"
"Living by faith includes the call to something greater than cowardly self-preservation"
"Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it."
"It surprises me how disinterested we are today about things like physics, space, the universe, and philosophy of our existence, our purpose, our final destination. It’s a crazy world out there. Be curious."
"The greatest gift life has to offer is the opportunity to work hard at work worth doing."
"Without a clear mission, you cannot be happy"
"Building a mission and building a business go hand-in-hand."
"The question I ask myself like almost every day is, 'Am I doing the most important thing I could be doing?'"
"People can be really smart or have skills that are directly applicable, but if they don't really believe in it, then they are not going to really work hard."
"No one really knows why they are alive until they know what they'd die for."
"There’s no reason to do shit you hate. None."
"Everything that exists is born for no reason, carries on living through weakness, and dies by accident."
"Life has no meaning a priori. It is up to you to give it a meaning, and value is nothing but the meaning that you choose."