Recognition Quotes
"One day the people that didn’t believe in you will tell everyone how they met you."
"The superior man is distressed by the limitations of his ability he is not distressed by the fact that men do not recognize the ability that he has."
"I'm the most recognized and loved man that ever lived cuz there weren’t no satellites when Jesus and Moses were around, so people far away in the villages didn’t know about them."
"The greatest achievement of humanity is not its works of art, science, or technology, but the recognition of its own dysfunction."
"If I am a star the people made me a star"
"The award is a myth. You honor your work. If your work is a good work, all the rest will ensue."
"Being famous is just a job"
"True friends are like stars; you can only recognize them when it's dark around you."
"When you are talking about a great player, if you can't remember who he played against or some of the guys, he played against ain't great"
"Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well."
"Deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised"
"I'm more than just an option, refuse to be forgotten"
"I'm a make my name last, put it in the books"
"Struggles are a way of life you have to expect them smile at them and recognize them when they come"
"Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever."
"A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon."
"I think most people are good at more things than the world gives them the opportunity to be"
"I never want to change so much that people can’t recognize me"
"I often say that in these moments we should see crisis as our opportunity to recognize the harms in the existing system that contributed to this crisis and then address them"
"The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated."