Silence Quotes
"The eternal silence of these infinite spaces frightens me"
"Great is truth but still greater from a practical point of view is silence about truth"
"Words are spades digging the cairns of those who can't speak"
"Every word is like an unnecessary stain on silence and nothingness"
"A man prayed, and at first, he thought that prayer was talking. But he became more and more quiet until in the end he realized that prayer is listening."
"The true genius shudders at incompleteness - and usually prefers silence to saying something which is not everything it should be"
"Silence is deep as Eternity; Speech is shallow as Time"
"Give me silence, water, hope"
"Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth."
"Silence at the proper season is wisdom and better than any speech."
"Saying nothing... sometimes says the most"
"Nothing matters but the writing. There has been nothing else worthwhile... a stain upon the silence"
"Silence is true wisdom's best reply"
"When you have something to say, silence is a lie"
"The world would be happier if men had the same capacity to be silent that they have to speak"
"Where I am, I don't know, I'll never know, in the silence you don't know, you must go on, I can't go on, I'll go on."
"When you have nothing important or interesting to say, don't let anyone persuade you to say it"
"I like for you to be still: it is as though you are absent, and you hear me from far away and my voice does not touch you "
"The more you know, the less you need to say"
"The present state of the world and all of life is diseased. If I were a doctor and were asked for my advice, I should reply: Create silence."