Understanding Quotes
"It's fun to have a partner who understands your life and lets you be you"
"Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid."
"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another What You too I thought I was the only one"
"When a woman is talking to you, listen to what she says with her eyes"
"Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach."
"Those who do not weep, do not see."
"It is far harder to kill a phantom than a reality"
"You may protest if you can love the person you are protesting against as much as you love yourself."
"A real businessman or entrepreneur has no enemies. Once he understands this, then the sky’s the limit."
"The afternoon knows what the morning never suspected."
"What one man calls God, another calls the laws of physics"
"Peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal enlightenment"
"The upside of painful knowledge is so much greater than the downside of blissful ignorance."
"We're fascinated by the words—but where we meet is in the silence behind them."
"In the end, we’re all just walking each other home."
"The process of moving from discomfort to ease often gives birth to new stories of understanding and insight."
"We are what we are because we have been what we have been and what is needed for solving the problems of human life and motives is not moral estimates but more knowledge. "
"The truth of things is the chief nutriment of superior intellects."
"There are three classes of people: those who see, those who see when they are shown, those who do not see."
"Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood"