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Well Being Quotes

"When we work from a place, that says, 'I’m enough,' we then stop screaming and start listening. We’re kinder and gentler to the people around us, and we’re kinder and gentler to ourselves"
Brene Brown
"If our well-being is not only of value to ourselves but also for others, then the concept of morality cannot be subjective."
Sam Harris
"Rest is the sweet sauce of labor."
"The good life is inspired by love and guided by knowledge."
Bertrand Russell
"Another glorious day the air as delicious to the lungs as nectar to the tongue "
John Muir
"The child is a well-spring of love; whenever he is touched, he brings joy to the person who touches him."
Maria Montessori
"I find my life is a lot easier the lower I keep my expectations"
Bill Watterson
"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread places to play in and pray in where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul. "
John Muir
"I just know that I feel better when I'm writing music."
Tyler, The Creator
"We just need to be kinder to ourselves. If we treated ourselves as well as we treated our best friend, can you imagine?"
Meghan Markle
"Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness."
John Stuart Mill
"True success is when you can create happiness for yourself and others."
Jay Shetty
"The principle that human security and well-being should be privileged over short-term economic gains is neither new nor radical."
Noam Chomsky
"Man needs difficulties they are necessary for health"
Carl Jung
"A house is no home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as for the body"
Margaret Fuller
"The difference between passion and addiction is that between a divine spark and a flame that incinerates"
Gabor Mate
"When you are at peace, you radiate a different kind of energy. People are attracted to you because they sense that you are in harmony"
Wayne Dyer
"Contrary to what is often taught in schools, mental health is not merely about the absence of disease"
Gabor Mate
"We have an epidemic of stresses in the world that keeps people from being who they really are"
Gabor Mate
"The bow that is always bent will soon break; and the heart"
Charles Spurgeon
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