"Cualquier excusa servirá a un tirano"
— Aesop
Simplified Meaning:
When someone has a lot of power and wants to control others, they will find any reason, no matter how small or ridiculous, to justify their actions. Think about a strict ruler who wants to keep their people from speaking out. They might say, "It's for your safety" or "It's the law," even if the real reason is just to keep themselves in power. In history, we can see this behavior in dictators who say they need to be in charge to protect their country, when in reality, they just want complete control. If you understand this, you can see through these false reasons and question their true intentions. So, it's important to recognize when excuses are being used to justify unfair or harsh actions, and to challenge them when you can.
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Abuse Authority Control Despotism Dictatorship Excuses Manipulation Oppression Power TyrannyFEATURED QUOTES