"يمكننا رؤية مسافة قصيرة فقط إلى الأمام"
— Alan Turing
Simplified Meaning:
Often, we cannot predict what will happen in the future because our vision is limited to what’s directly in front of us. Imagine you are driving at night with your car headlights on. You can see the road just a few meters ahead, but beyond that is darkness. This means you have to make decisions based on what you see at the moment, adjusting as you go forward. In real life, this is true for our plans and goals. You might want to become a doctor, but you can't see all the details of your journey right now. You take it step by step, starting with studying hard and applying to medical school, and make decisions as new situations arise. By focusing on the near future and being adaptable, you manage your way forward even when the distant future is unclear. This idea teaches us to concentrate on our current actions and stay flexible, trusting that we will handle future challenges as they come.