— Albert Einstein
Simplified Meaning:
This quote suggests that the next major world war will be so destructive that it will wipe out much of our technology and civilization. After such a devastating conflict, humanity would be set back to very primitive times, where people have to use basic tools like sticks and stones to fight. Imagine if a big war happened and all the cities, computers, and factories got destroyed. People would have to start over from scratch, just like our ancient ancestors did. For example, think about how people lived thousands of years ago without electricity, internet, or modern medicine. A huge war with advanced weapons could destroy all the progress we've made, forcing us to live like that again. This idea warns us about the dangers of using powerful weapons and encourages us to seek peace instead of war. If we’re not careful, our desire to fight might end up destroying everything we’ve built. It’s a reminder to value and protect our world and to think twice before engaging in conflicts that could have such severe consequences.