"El ejemplo no es lo principal para influir en los demás. Es lo único."
— Albert Schweitzer
Simplified Meaning:
People learn the most from seeing how others act, not just from what they are told. For instance, if a parent wants their child to be honest, it's more effective for the parent to show honesty themselves in everyday situations rather than just telling the child to always tell the truth. When the parent always tells the truth, the child sees this behavior and understands it's important. It's similar in a workplace too; if a boss expects employees to work hard and be respectful, the boss needs to show these behaviors consistently. When leaders demonstrate the qualities they expect from others, their actions speak louder than words. By showing a good example, people naturally follow and learn to behave in the same way.
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Behavior Example Guidance Impact Influence Inspiration Integrity Leadership Motivation Role modelFEATURED QUOTES