"أنت لست خائفًا من الفشل. أنت تخاف مما سيفكر به الآخرون عنك إذا فشلت. لكن إذا كنت تخاف من ذلك، تخيل ما يفكرون به عندما لا تحاول حتى. أوه نعم، إنهم لا يفكرون."
— Alex Hormozi
Simplified Meaning:
Many people fear failure because they worry about what others will think of them if they don't succeed. The idea here is that it's not the failure itself that's scary, but the potential judgment from others. Imagine someone who wants to start a business but is afraid that people will mock them if it doesn't work out. The person spends so much time worrying about these opinions that they never actually try. However, the quote points out that if you never try, people probably aren't thinking about you much at all. Most people are too busy with their own lives to focus on whether you fail or not. For example, think about a child learning to ride a bike. They might fall a few times, but other kids aren’t standing around judging; they’re too busy playing or learning themselves. This means you have more freedom to attempt things because the fear of judgment is often overestimated. So, it's better to try and possibly fail than to avoid trying altogether.