"إذا كنت في الثانية والعشرين من عمرك وبصحة جيدة وجائعًا للتعلم والتحسن فأحثك على السفر إلى أبعد حد ممكن وأنام على الأرضيات إذا اضطررت إلى ذلك اكتشف كيف يعيش الناس الآخرون ويأكلون ويطبخون وتعلم منهم أينما كنت"
— Anthony Bourdain
Simplified Meaning:
When you’re young, healthy, eager to learn, and want to improve yourself, it's a great time to travel a lot, even if it means living simply. Imagine you’re 22, you’ve just finished school, and you’re excited about life. Traveling can teach you things you can’t learn from books or the internet. For example, visiting different countries lets you see how people in other places live their daily lives, what they eat, and how they cook their food. By experiencing their way of life firsthand, you gain valuable insights and broaden your perspective. Even if it means staying in uncomfortable places, like sleeping on floors, the experience is worth it because it helps you grow as a person. This adventurous spirit can make you more adaptable, open-minded, and knowledgeable, which are all useful for your future.