"Una idea que se desarrolla y se pone en acción es más importante que una idea que existe solo como idea."
— Buddha
Simplified Meaning:
It's about understanding that having a good idea is not enough on its own; you need to do something with it. Imagine you want to start a small business selling homemade cookies. Just thinking about the recipe and the logo isn't going to make it happen. You need to start baking, selling at farmers’ markets, and telling people about your cookies through social media. A great example is Thomas Edison, who invented the lightbulb. Many people had ideas about creating a new light source, but Edison actually worked on his idea, tested many materials, and eventually found a solution that worked. Because he took action, we all benefit from electric lighting every day. This quote reminds us that taking steps to make our ideas real is what matters. If you have a dream or project in mind, start taking small steps to bring it to life. Writing down a plan, gathering materials, or talking to someone who can help are all ways to start. Making progress, even if it's slow, turns your thoughts into reality, which is far more valuable than just keeping the ideas in your head.