“Offend in neither word nor deed. Eat with moderation. Live in your heart. Seek the highest consciousness. Master yourself according to the law. This is the simple teaching of the awakened.”
— Buddha
Simplified Meaning:
This saying tells us how to live a good and balanced life. First, it means we should be careful not to hurt others with what we say or do. For example, if you're angry, it's better to count to ten before speaking so you don't say something hurtful. Next, it advises us to eat in moderation, meaning we shouldn't overeat but instead choose healthy amounts of food. Living in your heart means staying true to your emotions and being kind and compassionate. Seeking the highest consciousness means always striving to be more aware and understanding of the world and ourselves. Mastering yourself according to the law suggests following rules and principles to guide your actions and keep yourself disciplined. When you put all these together, it leads to a wise and thoughtful life, much like how wise people through history have lived calmly, kindly, and wisely.