“Radiate boundless love towards the entire world.”
— Buddha
Simplified Meaning:
Imagine you're holding a small candle in a dark room. When you light it, the room becomes brighter, making everything around you easier to see and feel. If you have a bigger candle, you can spread even more light and warmth. The idea here is that your love is like the light from that candle. When you show kindness, understanding, and care, you make the world around you a better place. If everyone did this, showing love to as many people as possible, the whole world would feel warmer and more positive, just like that room became brighter. For instance, if you smile at a stranger, offer help to someone in need, or simply treat people with respect and patience, you spread love. This isn’t just for people you like or know well; it's for everyone. By doing so, you create a ripple effect - others may be inspired by your actions and pass on the love in their own way. So, try to be kind and caring always, because even small acts can lead to great changes in the world around you.