"Podemos juzgar nuestro progreso por el coraje de nuestras preguntas y la profundidad de nuestras respuestas, nuestra disposición a aceptar lo que es verdad en lugar de lo que se siente bien"
— Carl Sagan
Simplified Meaning:
This quote is about how we measure our growth and development. It suggests that the way we ask questions and the willingness to find deep, truthful answers show how much we have progressed. If we are brave enough to ask tough questions and seek real, sometimes uncomfortable, truths instead of just accepting easy, comforting answers, we are truly growing. For instance, think about a student who always asks their teacher difficult questions, even if those questions might reveal they don't understand something. They are showing courage and a desire to learn deeply. When the student receives answers, they are not satisfied with simple explanations but want to understand the full picture, even if the truth is challenging. This student is displaying real progress. You can apply this idea to your life by being honest with yourself and others. When facing a problem, don’t just look for the easy way out—ask yourself what the real issue is and what you can learn from it, even if it’s hard to hear. Being open to the truth, no matter how tough, will help you grow stronger and smarter.