"Solo las personas casadas entienden que puedes estar miserable y feliz al mismo tiempo"
— Chris Rock
Simplified Meaning:
When you get married, you spend a lot of time with another person and share your lives together. This close relationship can make you feel two different emotions at once. For example, you might be annoyed because your partner left a mess in the kitchen, but at the same time, you feel happy because of all the love you share. Imagine you have a best friend who sometimes gets on your nerves, but you still love spending time with them. Marriage can be like that, but on a deeper level. You might have arguments or tough days, but you also have moments that make you smile and feel grateful. Understanding this mix of feelings helps you see that a relationship isn’t just about being happy all the time, but about growing together through both good and difficult times. This can help you be more patient and appreciate the highs and lows in your marriage.