“If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception; it is a prevailing attitude.”
— Colin Powell
Simplified Meaning:
To be really good at big, important things, you need to get used to doing small, everyday things really well first. Think about a top athlete. They don't just succeed in big competitions by magic. They practice every day, perfecting their technique, eating right, and keeping fit. All those small, good habits build up over time, leading to big successes. In the same way, if you want to be excellent in something big, like running your own business, you need to start by being excellent in small tasks, like being on time, planning well, and paying attention to details. Excellence isn't something you do once in a while; it's about how you approach everything, all the time. By being consistent and dedicated in small matters, you create an attitude and way of life that leads to bigger achievements. So, focus on doing your best in everything you do, no matter how small it seems, because it all adds up.