— Deadpool
Simplified Meaning:
Sometimes, people like to celebrate their good fortune. Imagine you and your friends enter a big contest, and only a few lucky people win. If you and your friends are some of those winners, you might raise your glasses and make a toast to recognize how fortunate you are. It's a way of acknowledging that not everyone gets such a chance, and you're grateful for the good things that happened. For example, think of survivors in a difficult situation, like a natural disaster or an accident. They might appreciate their luck more because they made it through when others didn't. It's about feeling thankful and sometimes a bit amazed at how things turned out well for you. You can apply this feeling in everyday life by recognizing and appreciating the good things you have, even if they seem small. It helps to remember that not everyone has the same advantages or luck, so being grateful for them can bring more joy and mindfulness to your life. Moreover, realizing this can also inspire you to help others who might not be as lucky.