"إذا كنت قادرًا على استخدام صوتي لفعل الخير في العالم فأنا بالتأكيد أريد أن أفعل ذلك"
— Demi Lovato
Simplified Meaning:
Imagine you have the ability to speak clearly and people listen to you. When you see something wrong or unfair happening, you can speak up to make things better. This idea is kind of like a friend who tells everyone to recycle because it’s good for the planet. They have a strong voice, and people are more likely to listen and take action. If you can use your words to help others or make positive changes, it's important to do so. For example, if a student sees a classmate being bullied, they can use their voice to stand up for that person or talk to a teacher. Using your voice to help others makes the world a better place for everyone.
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Activism Altruism Empowerment Good deeds Inspiration Positive change Purpose Responsibility Social impactFEATURED QUOTES