"On ne choisit pas sa famille. Ils sont un cadeau de Dieu pour vous, tout comme vous l'êtes pour eux."
— Desmond Tutu
Simplified Meaning:
Family members are special people in your life, given to you naturally without you having a say in it. Imagine you are given a surprise gift. You didn't ask for it, but it's yours to cherish and appreciate. Family works the same way. You didn't pick your parents, siblings, or relatives, but they're part of your life for a reason. Just like a gift, you should value and care for your family, and they should do the same for you. An example can be seen when people stick together through tough times; families support each other because that's what gifts of love and care do. So, cherish your family and remember they are meant to share your life's journey with you.
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Blessings Cherish Divine Family Gift God Gratitude Love Relationships Unconditional loveFEATURED QUOTES