"لو كان بإمكاني الحصول على سطر في قرن من الآن ينسب لي مساهمة في تقدم السلام فسأكون سعيدًا بالتخلي عن كل شرف نلته في الحرب"
— Douglas MacArthur
Simplified Meaning:
The quote means that the person values being remembered for helping to bring peace more than being honored for their achievements in war. Imagine someone who fought bravely in battles and received many medals and praise from others. However, this person feels that contributing to creating a peaceful world is more important. They would prefer to be remembered even a hundred years later for having made peace instead of being famous for their war victories. It’s like a sports star who, despite winning many games, feels prouder of setting up a charity to help kids. You can apply this idea by focusing on doing good things that help others and make the world better, rather than just seeking personal glory or recognition.
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