Writers who use too many words make reading harder.
“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than ...”
“I often speak to people who wonder why they continue to fail. In many situations, they are...”
“The best way to predict the future is to invent it”
“Intuition is really a sudden immersion of the soul into the universal current of life.”
“It's not about winning or losing. It's about showing up and being your best.”
“Wanting something is not enough. You must hunger for it. Your motivation must be absolutel...”
“At sometime in our lives a devil dwells within us, causes heartbreaks, confusion and troub...”
“Success will always be driven by focus & effort — and we always control both.”
“Turn your wounds into wisdom”
“Bodybuilding is much like any other sport. To be successful, you must dedicate yourself 10...”
“Live without pretending, love without depending, listen without defending, speak without offending”
“Most large organizations embrace the idea of invention, but are not willing to suffer the ...”