"كل ما عليك فعله هو أن تعرف إلى أين تتجه. ستأتيك الإجابات من تلقاء نفسها."
— Earl Nightingale
Simplified Meaning:
If you know what you want to achieve or where you want to go in life, the solutions and ideas on how to get there will naturally come to you. It's like having a clear destination on a map; once you know the end point, you'll start to find the roads that lead there. For example, if someone wants to become a doctor, just knowing that goal helps them find out they need to go to medical school, study different subjects, and pass certain exams. Imagine you're baking a cake. If you know you want a chocolate cake at the end, you'll start thinking about the ingredients you need, like chocolate, flour, and sugar, and you'll figure out the steps to bake it. This advice can help people focus on their goals and trust that the steps to achieve them will become clear as they go along. Instead of worrying about every little detail at the beginning, they should put effort into defining their goal first. Once that's clear, the rest will start to make sense and fall into place.