"Si retrocedes unos pocos cientos de años, lo que damos por sentado hoy en día parecería magia: poder hablar con personas a largas distancias, transmitir imágenes, volar, acceder a vastas cantidades de datos como un oráculo. Todas estas son cosas que habría"
— Elon Musk
Simplified Meaning:
A few centuries ago, things we find normal today would have seemed incredible and magical to people back then. Imagine telling someone from the past that we can talk to friends who live far away just by using our phones, or that we can see and share pictures instantly on the internet. They would be amazed by airplanes that let us fly across the world in hours, something that used to take months by ship. Think about having almost any information at our fingertips through the internet; people used to spend years learning what we can find in seconds. These advancements make our lives easier and more connected. To apply this idea in your life, appreciate the technology and conveniences we have today and understand that what seems ordinary to us now was once beyond imagination.