— Erich Fromm
Simplified Meaning:
When two people fall in love, they create a special bond and become very close, almost like they are one person. However, even though they share a deep connection and many experiences together, each person still keeps their own individuality and personal identity. It's like when two best friends do everything together and they feel very united, but they still have their own unique thoughts, feelings, and preferences. For example, think about a couple who has been married for many years. They share many things, like a home, memories, and maybe even children. They work together as a team and often think about what’s best for both of them as a unit. But, at the same time, each person has their own hobbies, career goals, and personal dreams. This balance is important in any strong relationship. It’s essential to support each other and grow together while also growing individually. People in a relationship can apply this by making time for their shared interests and supporting each other’s personal pursuits. This way, love helps them stay connected but also respects and nurtures their individuality.