"Nunca es demasiado tarde para convertirte en quien quieres ser. Espero que vivas una vida de la que te sientas orgulloso, y si encuentras que no es así, espero que tengas la fuerza para empezar de nuevo."
— F. Scott Fitzgerald
Simplified Meaning:
It's always possible to change your life and become a better version of yourself, no matter how old you are or where you are in life. Imagine someone who has always dreamed of becoming an artist but ended up working in a job they don't like. Even if they are 50 years old, they can still start painting, taking classes, and working toward becoming the artist they've always wanted to be. If they look at their life and realize they aren't happy with the path they took, they can gather the courage to make a fresh start and pursue their true passions. This advice encourages people to reassess their lives and make changes if they aren't satisfied, ensuring they work towards living a life they can be proud of. It’s about understanding that it’s never too late to follow your dreams and that you have the power to change your circumstances.