"ضميرك أنت وحده هو الشيء الوحيد الذي عليك أن تجيب أمامه"
— Gary Oldman
Simplified Meaning:
This quote means that the most important thing guiding your decisions and actions is your own sense of right and wrong. Imagine you find a wallet on the street. No one sees you pick it up, so you could keep the money without anyone knowing. But your conscience, which is like an inner voice, will remind you of what is fair and just. If you listen to your conscience and return the wallet, you’ll feel good about yourself because you did the right thing. On the other hand, if you keep the money, you might feel guilty or uneasy, knowing that you acted dishonestly. In simple terms, this advice suggests that you should always act in a way that makes you proud and at peace with yourself, regardless of what others think or do. Doing this can lead to a happier, more fulfilling life since you’re staying true to your own values.