“Work hard, work smart, and most importantly, be just as passionate about what you do when no one else is looking.”
— Gary Vaynerchuk
Simplified Meaning:
It's important to put in a lot of effort and think wisely about how you approach your tasks. But even more importantly, you should stay excited and dedicated to your work even when others aren't watching. Think about a student studying for an exam. They can study hard by spending many hours with their books (working hard) and study smart by using helpful study techniques like flashcards (working smart). However, the real test of their commitment is whether they are willing to keep studying with the same energy even when no classmates or teachers are around to see them. This quote reminds us that true passion and dedication are shown when you keep giving your best, purely because you care about what you are doing, not just for praise or recognition. So if you love painting, keep creating art even when no one is there to admire it, and this will make you grow truly talented and fulfilled.