“Four legs good, two legs bad.”
— George Orwell
Simplified Meaning:
This saying tries to make a clear distinction between what is considered good and what is considered bad. It comes from a story in which animals believe that creatures with four legs are their friends, while those with two legs, like humans, are their enemies. The animals think that because humans mistreat them, everything humans do is wrong. For example, imagine you are part of a group project at school. If your group decides that people who do not contribute are bad and those who do work hard are good, that's similar to saying "four legs good, two legs bad." It’s a simple way of dividing the world into good and bad, without considering any grey areas or complexities. Someone can apply this by being cautious about making quick judgments based only on one characteristic, instead of looking at the bigger picture. It's a reminder that not everything is black and white, and we should think more deeply about our choices and opinions.