“There are some situations from which one can only escape by acting like a devil or a lunatic”
— George Orwell
Simplified Meaning:
Sometimes, you may find yourself in a tough spot where normal actions just won't cut it. Imagine you're stuck in a burning building with no way out. If you stay calm and follow the usual rules, you might not make it. But if you break some windows and do something wild, you could escape and save your life. In everyday life, this means that when you're in a tricky situation with no easy answer, you might need to think outside the box or do something unusual to solve the problem. For example, if you're being bullied at work, you might need to take bold steps like gathering lots of evidence and standing up firmly to your boss, even though it feels extreme. This idea reminds us that sometimes, the only way to get out of trouble is to "play crazy" or take actions that seem over-the-top. It’s important to remember that in desperate times, acting in a way that's out of the ordinary can be the key to finding a solution. So, don’t be afraid to be bold or different when needed.