— George Orwell
Simplified Meaning:
Imagine going outside on a bright, sunny day in April, expecting everything to be normal. But when you look at your watch or a clock, you see that it's showing 13 o'clock instead of the usual 1 o'clock. This gives you an uneasy feeling because it's something that doesn't happen in real life and feels strange. This quote is hinting at a world that looks familiar but has something unusual and unsettling about it. Think of it like visiting a town that looks just like your hometown, but discovering small oddities every now and then that make you question if things are off. This unsettling feeling can make people feel uneasy, as if something important but wrong is happening. In your own life, it's like noticing small changes in your daily routine that give you a strange feeling that something is different or unrealistic, urging you to be more attentive and aware of your surroundings.