“Chaos is a name for any order that produces confusion in our minds”
— George Santayana
Simplified Meaning:
When our minds find it hard to understand or make sense of something, we often call it "chaos." Imagine you walk into a room where everything looks messy and out of place. Your brain can't quickly figure out how things are organized, so it feels confusing. However, to someone else, like the person who arranged the room, it might make perfect sense because they know why everything is where it is. Take history, for example. During major events like the Industrial Revolution, many people felt overwhelmed because the world was changing so fast with new inventions, city growth, and different working conditions. It seemed chaotic to them because it was hard to understand all the quick changes. However, this was just a new order of how society was organizing itself, which eventually led to more progress and development. In life, when things seem confusing and out of control, it might just be a new kind of order you haven't understood yet. Take a step back, try to see if there is a pattern or logic behind it, and give yourself time to adapt and understand. This way, you can cope better with what first seems like chaos.