"چرا باید نگران آیندگان باشم؟ آیندگان برای من چه کردهاند؟"
— Groucho Marx
Simplified Meaning:
This quote is about someone who doesn't feel concerned about future generations because they believe those future people haven't done anything to benefit them. It suggests a lack of interest in thinking or acting for the good of the people who will live after us. Imagine if a person decided not to recycle because they won't be around to see the positive effects of a cleaner environment. This quote reflects a similar attitude: "Why should I make an effort for someone who hasn't helped me?" It's kind of like saying, "Why should I be nice to someone I've never met?" However, caring for future generations is important because the actions we take now will shape their world. If everyone thought this way, progress and important changes wouldn't happen, and we'd all be worse off. For example, if our ancestors had only cared about their immediate needs, we might not have many of the conveniences and advances we enjoy today. So, even if future people can't give back to us directly, taking their well-being into account is part of being responsible and ensuring a better world. It's about leaving a positive legacy and thinking beyond our own lifetime for the benefit of humanity.